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APRIL 2 - Autism awareness is great. But not without CHANGE

Autism awareness is great. But not without CHANGE.

Autism awareness month is different in our house. We are celebrating the action and the radical changes that we had to make when we became AWARE. Truly aware.⁣

That’s when the symptoms disappeared. From stimming, screaming, no eye contact, no physical contact, no sleep, to none of those symptoms. In 4 years. ⁣

In order to change the future for our children we need to move past acceptance and awareness and explore:⁣

The blind sports in the traditional system and why we send our kids to the wrong experts to get a diagnosis.⁣

The misconception around autism and the huge gaps in knowledge around the biochemical and physical issues that cause autism like symptoms and how to address them to affect symptoms: ⁣

Methylation blocks.⁣
Nature deficiency.⁣
Oxidative stress.⁣
Gut issues.⁣
Toxic load.⁣
Neuro inflammation.⁣
Food sensitivities.⁣
Lack of time outdoors.⁣
Stress, noise and artificial lifestyle.⁣
Reactions to processed food.⁣
Immune system and microbiome imbalances.⁣

Genes are expressed or turned off by the lifestyle and the food we eat. Genes are not your destiny.⁣

Behaviour is affected by lifestyle and food plus environment. ⁣

We haven’t got time for t-shirts, autism merchandise and acceptance of status quo.⁣

It’s time for a paradigm shift. Unless an expert or a parent or even a person on the spectrum spends 15 years studying all of the above and changes everything from diet to lifestyle- I am not interested in opinions about what we have done to overcome autism from age 4 to age 21. What’s awareness to you?


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